Window Repair Company Website - Ambassador Windows


Results to Date: From no company website and within one year of website launch, 366 local keyword strings indexed and ranking well. 60% Website Traffic Organic and Almost 4K Page Impressions within a 28 Days period (January 2018), with over 40 Keywords in a Top Ten Organic Position. SEO Results – June 2020 – Search String and Organic Position: Window Repairs Dublin 2 Double Glazed Windows Repair 6 Double Glazing Dublin 2 Window Repairs 4 Window Repairs Near Me 6 Patio Window Replacement 4

Sector: Home Improvement

Company Description: Window and Door Repair Company.

Objectives: Online consultancy to start with, logo design, wireframe design for the site and the building of a new website built for branding and SEO performance.

Geographical Target Location: Ireland

Digital Sales & Marketing Services We Provided & Ongoing: Website Design, Keyword Analyse, User Experience, Call to Action Integration, Content Strategy, Social Media for Sales, Persona Definition, Digital Consultancy, Blog Design, Search Engine Consultancy, Pay Per Click Management, Email Marketing Integration, Measurement and Analytics

Company Website:

Company Blog Page:

Online Payment Portal:

Company Facebook Page:

Company Twitter Account:

  • Before Website Design

  • After Website Design