Online Lead Generation – How we delivered 123 Online Sales Submissions in TWO Months

Online Lead Generation – How we delivered 123 Online Sales Submissions in TWO Months

Online Lead Generation – Now, you may not consider 123 Online Submissions for a complimentary lawncare evaluation and quotation an awful lot.  However, when you consider the lawn care market size on (Google have a 90% market share in Ireland), ‘Lawncare’ is searched 90 a month on Google Search, ‘Lawn Care Ireland’, 30 searches, ‘Lawn Care Companies’, 10 searches.  On average, 130 Google searches for Lawn Care services in Ireland.

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

So, Greenfeet Lawn Care are achieving 36% of the potential Google Search Leads, not bad at all when you consider the Greenfeet team have a close rate after quotation of about 90%……..

Greenfeet do other marketing activities such as trade shows, email marketing and they do spend about 5 euro per day on Google Adwords.  But as we all know, close rates for organic search position is far higher than paid search.

So, how did we do it??

Digital Strategy can be as simple as taking small patient sequential steps!  Sounds simple, right??!!  Well, these are the steps we undertook for and things we should address in the future.

Firstly, we undertook an extensive keyword analyses, to establish exactly what people were searching relating to lawncare in Ireland on Google (Google have a significant market share in Ireland, see this link for ‘search engine market share’ information).

Step One – Keyword Analyses & Assigning Keywords to Pages

Once the keyword research was undertaken, we assigned the website primary links (the future website architecture), keywords.  As in the About Us page was earmarked for the keyword: Lawn Care, two words.  The reason for assigning this keyword to the About Us page was due to the fact that when we consider the text within the page, the text/language would flow easily (more on this subject later).

The Lawn Services link we assigned the keyword Lawn Services which was a perfect match.  Some pages you should not assign a keyword to, should as the Privacy Policy, Sitemap or Contact Us pages.  Naturally inserting an assigned keyword into these types of pages can be difficult, and you will find ranking for these pages without keyword density will be difficult (depending on the local competition for that search string).

Step Two – Website Design that builds Influence and Trust

The initial website as you can see below was very ‘dated’ looking and had a cheap ‘special offer’ feel about it.  There was a strong call to action above the fold, however, there was too much scrolling down on the homepage.  The social proofing reference from Niall Quinn was also below the fold, the company Shop, Cart and My Account took up three links on the top menu for no reason at all.

Online Lead Generation – F-Heatmap Integration and Influence

When designing a website, it’s important to consider how users interact with a website, where do people usually position their eyes and then click their mouse or pads?  You must consider the F-Heatmap when positioning key messages, thus it’s important to get the key message above the fold.  Also, it’s worth noting, on many websites the second most trafficked page is the About Us page.  People want to vet who you really are before they place an order on your website, so, you must have a strong About Us page and/or preferably try and incorporate influence and trust on the homepage.  This may also reduce your bounce rate, which will assist with SEO factoring and should increase sales and leads.

Online Lead Generation – Build a Unique Designer Website

Anybody can throw up a website now with the help of WordPress, Wix and others.  Most of these off the shelf websites are standard, dull and boring designs.  The user usually has to scroll down the page an awful lot and manipulating the template design is difficult.  Avoid off the shelf websites and design a website that makes you stand out, is truly customisable to your business (this is where the design team must understand your business and your goals) and allows you to incorporate influence, trust, lead generation and ultimately sales.  We will discuss this issue in greater depth within another blog post and we haven’t even touched on Malware and the potential security risks associated with off the shelf websites……

By default, the site should be mobile friendly and coded in HTML5 – two very important and future relevant SEO factors.

Online Lead Generation – Other Methods of Influence and ‘Call to Action’ (CTA) on the homepage include:

You’ve probably seem famous actors or sports stars promoting brands, such as George Clooney and Coffee!!  Well, it’s a form of social proofing and authority (Psychologist Robert Cialdini, his work is well worth a read), websites use methods like references, videos and photos from celebrities.  They might include an image of established media agencies where their work has been mentioned, awards, or a list of blue chip or government corporate logos on the homepage (that are customers in some shape or another!).  You’ve probably seem a few examples over the years!

Online Lead Generation – Social Proofing from a former Irish International Footballer:

Social Proofing - Niall Quinn Reference

Online Lead Generation – Create a strong and clear ‘Call to Action’ on the homepage and on every page within the website.

Online Lead Generation

Online Lead Generation – Remember the F-Heatmap – have a permanent link to a ‘FREE LAWNCARE EVALUATION’ top right, see:


Make your business look big……

Use ‘Before & After Photos’ of any work, give your prospects a vision and build more credibility.  Get customer testimonials from your clients (make sure you include and upload their location in the reference, great for localised SEO and ask them to review you on Google Plus (especially Google Plus) and other social media outlets).]

Tip: You can attach your review stats on your Google AdWords campaigns……taking more space on the screen and again building more confidence.

Online Influence & Credibility

Online Lead Generation List your locations along the bottom of the page…..see:

Locations Online Influence

Once you have a strong idea of the design and influence factors above, sketch out a rough homepage for your website.

Online Lead GenerationStep Three – On-page Keyword Density

If you are redesigning an old website then you must reword every page based on the search string you have assigned to each page.  You have to tell Google that ‘I want you to rank this page for this search string’, Google your customers will want to see this content…..Remember Google have customers and if they don’t serve their customers with the information they need, their customer may start using an alternative search engine.

Each page should be no less than three hundred words and the keyword frequency should be between 3 and 7%.  We have a handy Keyword Density Checker here, including tips and shortly we will have a blog post live regarding ‘On Page SEO, how a page should look and code for the search engines.

Final Words………from Digital Sales

We have discussed three strong tips for your site, that don’t involve code or programming, you must get the basics right from the off before you start to get involved with coding your site.  The fundamentals must be right and apologies for repeating this point!

Online Lead Generation – Summary:

  • Ask Questions – Understand your Business Goals and Transfer them to Digital
  • What generates the greatest revenues, margins, what is the future trends?
  • Undertake Keyword Analyses for your Location
  • Draft a wireframe for your website and assign keywords to the website architecture
  • Build Influence and credibility into the site, references, clients, social proofing….
  • Incorporate a strong Call to Action – above the fold
  • Consider the F-Heatmap and include a Call to Action on every page
  • Build a designer website and avoid off the shelf content management system
  • Compose text for each page (assign one keyword for each page) and make the keyword density between 3 and 7%

Follow the above and you will have made an excellent start…….

These are the fundamentals that we applied to and they are receiving almost 125 completed sales forms over two months.  Keep an eye on our Digital Sales blog or sign up to our email newsletter and we will shortly expand on the other initiatives we took in order to deliver real growth and lead generation for

The – CTA – Call to Action!!!!

If you are a company that wants to build or generate online sales……do the necessary……contact the Digital Sales team direct send us a mail at:, see our contact us page for our office locations.

Please feel free to add to the conversation below, challenge what the team at Digital Sales are saying……we welcome it and any tips that can add to our own knowledge base.  See the comments field below.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Post Grad Dip. User Experience (UX), Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS

Diarmuid Haughian Digital Signature

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