Brochure Website Design @ Digital Sales

Brochure Website Design @ Digital Sales

Brochure Website – At Digital Sales we very rarely build brochure type websites, mainly due to the fact that you won’t generate any organic sales leads.  Of course, you can build a brochure website and then drive paid traffic to it and maybe try and rank for three to five keyword strings.  A perfectly valid digital strategy if your budget is restricted, or you are testing the market and you haven’t got the time to focus on long term SEO and online branding.  In this blog post we will detail how the team at Digital Sales build a world class brochure website that stands out.

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

Brochure Website Design @ Digital Sales – What is involved

You will get many web design companies just throwing up a website, ticking the boxes and getting the job out the door.  With respect, this approach is usually down to the amount of budget against the project.  At Digital Sales we treat every project equally, the same standards applied regardless.  So, what did we do for – a new start-up Heating and Plumbing company.  The site is a custom built site, no CMS – see the differences here.

Brochure Website – Keyword Analyses and Domain Name Selection

Many companies will register a company name and then think about a domain name.  First mistake.  You must find out what search volumes are present against strategic sector keywords and find out what domain names are available?  So, we decided on – 140 searches per month, Ireland focused and the company name: AG Heating & Plumbing…like it was supposed to be!!!

Brochure Website – Design a Professional Logo

See what you think…

Brochure Website

Logo AG Heating and Plumbing

Brochure Website – Design a World Class Homepage – Professional, Sharp and a Strong First Impression

Brochure Website

AG Heating & Plumbing Homepage

Brochure Website – Next Step

Assigned Links with Keywords, employing On Page SEO best practice and a world class design with Social Proofing where possible and don’t forget a strong call to action.

Link: Heating Systems & Boiler – Keyword: Boiler Service

Link: Plumbing Service – Keyword: Plumbing Services

Link: Bathroom Installations – Keyword: Bathroom Installation Service

Trying to rank for a keyword on the Contact Us page, just won’t work – how can you apply On Page SEO to a Contact Us page with no realistic chance of uploading text onto the page???  So, don’t do it.

Brochure Website – Strong Call to Action

See the GET A QUOTATION TODAY box on the homepage above and within the inner page design, right hand side:

Call to Action

Call to Action

Brochure Website – Social Proofing – More on Website Social Proofing click here.

Social Proof

Social Proof

Brochure Website – Power of Three Influence – A Sales and Influence Technique

Power of Three Influence

Power of Three Influence

Brochure Website – Some of the more technical stuff:

Brochure Website – Download Speed Optimization
Download Speed Optimization

Download Speed Optimization is a custom-built website and so you have more control of code used and so the download speeds for custom built websites are usually far better than CMS brochure websites.  If you use a CMS like Drupal, Wix, WordPress, the code can be very difficult to manipulate.

Brochure Website – Upload Sitemaps

.xml sitemap for the search engines and a website sitemap for users.

xml Sitemap

I know what you are thinking, a 11 page website and a sitemap on it?  Is it really required?  No, its not, but why take the risk of being penalised by the search engines for excluding one?  Just don’t take that chance, it’s not worth it.

And then submit your .xml sitemap to Google and Bing, see:

Submit .xml Sitemap

Before you do the above you must register with Google Search Console, also see….11 URLS’s Submitted, to the right-hand side

sitemap submitted on Search Console

Brochure Website – Upload Google Analytics Code

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Brochure Website – Insert a 404 Page:

Although the site is new and users are not going to find a dead page, the search engines will look to see if you have a 404 page.  If you don’t you may get penalised, never take the change.

404 Page

As you can see there is an awful lot more work involved in a brochure website than you might think, when done right!!!

Upload an SSL Certificate – Yes, its on its way!!
Need Brochure Website?…Contact Digital Sales

If you are a company that wants to build a world class brochure website or needs help with your organic search position, Digital Strategy or generating online sales……do the necessary!!!…contact the Digital Sales team direct send us a mail at:, see our contact us page for our office locations.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS, MA Career Guidance

Diarmuid Haughian Digital Signature

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