Lead Generation – The Buying Process

Lead Generation – The Buying Process

For this lead generation blog post I’m going to assume you have defined your value proposition, composed a sales script, voicemail message, 10 slide presentation designed and put to the test, website built with influence, landing pages designed for optimum conversion and so on.  So, you’re ready to hit the road…..now….to the lead generation, that scary thought!  Nobody likes rejection, no matter what day it is!!

But first, if you are interested in our services at Digital Sales, check out this quick video:

Lead Generation and The Buying Process

So, you ask; right, where do I start!?? Firstly, remember the buying process:

  • Interest Aroused and Retained
  • Needs Appreciated
  • Knowledge of Product Gained & Extended
  • Suitability Appreciated
  • Desire to Buy
  • Consideration of Price
  • Value Appreciated

When it comes to Lead Generation, you are at the early stage of the buying process, stage one in fact!  Interest Aroused and Retained – you know you have a product or service that will arouse interest and retain a conversation.  The question is, how do you get to have those conversations?  Let’s look at a one ‘key point’ that will lead to quick lead generation results and help you build a strong sales pipeline, and that is…..…..sector specific social proofing.

Sector Specific Social Proofing

Just the other day while working as a consultant for an Software company, selling into the construction and engineering sector.  My first cold email to this particular prospect was sent before Christmas, I followed up in the New Year over the phone.  No joy, sent second email.  And on the third call, I got the primary decision maker on the phone (Director Level).  He listened to my value proposition and still, he wasn’t quite sure and then he said……’I’m not too sure its something for us, but you mention our competitors in your email and that kind of intrigued me, maybe its worth exploring’.

I had him based on sector specific social proofing mixed into a cold call email and briefly mentioned over a telephone call.  Result!  We have a webinar product demonstration set up with the primary decision maker and a couple of other members of the DMU (Decision Making Unit).

On another occasion, I mentioned a competitor and said, ‘Company XYZ are using our product, its reporting capacity and efficiency within their tender proposals in order to gain competitive advantage with their tender submissions’. You can assume what happened next!

Trust me, it works!  So…..how to go about it?

Your first port of call should always be to leverage your current customers and the strength and knowledge you may have within a specific sector.  Ring and email competitors of your current customers, phrase the email (especially the subject line) and conversation to mildly suggest that ‘John’ (or the xxx Manager ) at ‘XYZ Company’ have just renewed their subscription for another……They saw real benefit and ROI in terms of….insert your value proposition here.

You will get a meeting if you get your prospect on the phone and use sector specific social proofing in the conversation.  And ultimately have an instant impact on lead generation.  Try it and watch your prospects grow.

Remember, if you need help with any aspect of your Sales process, consultancy, lead generation (digital and traditional), metrics, motivation, etc.  Reach out, send me a mail (diarmuid@digitalsales.ie) or give the team a call.

Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales

Post Grad Dip. User Experience (UX), Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS

Diarmuid Haughian - Digital Signature

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