FIT MY BOILER - New Website & Brand


Sector: Home Improvements

Company Description: Padden Plumbing & Heating have been in the plumbing business since 1997. New Heating Systems, Oil and Gas Boiler Replacememts

Objectives: New Brand, Website, SEO and Content Marketing

Geographical Target Location: Dublin and Surrounding Counties

B2B Sales Services We Provided: Sales Consultancy, Lead Generation, Value Proposition Definition

Digital Sales & Marketing Services We Provided & Ongoing: Website Design, Keyword Analyse, CMS Design and Development, User Experience, Call to Action Integration, Content Strategy, Social Media for Sales, Persona Definition, Digital Consultancy, Blog Design, Search Engine Consultancy, Pay Per Click Management, Measurement and Analytics, On Page SEO, Technical SEO, Backlinks, Siloing – Internal Linking, Website Speed Optimisation

Company Website:

Company Blog Page:

Online Payment Portal:

Company Facebook Page:

  • Before Website Design

  • After Website Design